Search for tag: "andrea"
Staff Graduate Reception 2023 - Event RecordingEach year, dozens of Cornell staff members graduate with degrees from Cornell and other colleges with the help of the Employee Degree Program and the Tuition Aid program offered by the University. …
From Gerald Deis
10 plays
Regional Ag Team Presentation.BOD4.29.22Zoom Recording ID: 92029875054 UUID: KU8lfrx8S1yoRtlIGgCC1A== Meeting Time: 2022-04-28 09:23:46pm
From Andrea Lista
3 plays
FERM PWT Conference CallZoom Recording ID: 98628034224 UUID: L63KFgLLSGGY4NpSSXRIvg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-20T16:50:59Z
From Nancy Reigelsperger
6 plays