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Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft VODZoom Recording ID: 96064368984 UUID: 6dqQBLDBQUGUkAD+6r3Qdw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-21T13:51:27Z
From Cate Sirek
4 plays
Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft Zoom BasicsZoom Recording ID: 96064368984 UUID: ZMw3gbsfQbO34cfYPfc6NA== Meeting Time: 2020-07-07T13:48:55Z
From Cate Sirek
14 plays
An Academic being Social on Social Media.. or My Adventures in 280 CharactersThis session is being offered in coordination with the NextGen Professors Program, and is being hosted by the Graduate School Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement, and Future Faculty and…
From Colleen McLinn
7 plays