Search for tag: "absorption"

2023 REU Ian Mercer

+19 More
From  James Overhiser 17 plays

11/18/22How Does Workplace Exposure Occur? The Body's Routes of Entry for Chemicals and Biological Agents

Zoom Recording ID: 95242318777 UUID: djLPSX8mQ1+zuXPfmc/M7Q== Meeting Time: 2022-11-18 03:59:48pm

+19 More
From  Veronica Moore 46 plays

Spring 2022 PIN Seminar | Md. Munirul Islam, MBBS, PhD

Seminar title: "Zinc Deficiency: In Search of Meaningful Management Strategies"

+19 More
From  Nidhi Shrestha 13 plays

PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Lecture 4.2 - IR spectra & dielectric constants

PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Lecture 4.2 - IR spectra & dielectric constants - Feliciano Giustino

+19 More
From  Brenda Fisher 84 plays

CNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructures and X-Rays for Nano Characterization" with Jacobson

CNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructures and X-Rays for Nano Characterization" with Christopher Jacobson, Physics & Astronomy, Stony Brook University

From  Karlis Musa 13 plays

Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #2—Composition Control and Calibration (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation slides

From  James Overhiser 341 plays

Growth of Ruthenates—CaRuO3, SrRuO3, Ca2RuO4, Sr2RuO4-(Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School

+102 More
From  James Overhiser 371 plays

PARADIM 2018 Lecture 5.1 - Band structure and optical spectra.mp4

From  James Overhiser 22 plays

2017 REU Jonathan Chandonait CNF HHMI KEP PARADIM REU Nano-Convocation

+136 More
From  James Overhiser 10 plays

Valence EELS, High Energy Resolution

2017 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Low loss EELS David Muller

From  James Overhiser 164 plays

Core level EELS simulations

2017 PARADIM Core level EELS simulations Frank deGroot

From  James Overhiser 309 plays

Diffraction (Part 1)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 1 David Muller

+167 More
From  James Overhiser 284 plays

5.1 Band Structure & Optical Spectra - Lecture 5.1

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 5.1

From  James Overhiser 165 plays

IR spectra & dielectric constants - Lecture 4.2

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.2

From  James Overhiser 160 plays

DFT: Band structure and optical spectra (Lecture 5.1)

2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Lecture 5.1 - Band structure and optical spectra

+51 More
From  James Overhiser 510 plays

Ceser Lema 2018

From  James Overhiser 3 plays