01:14:48duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Johnson COVID-19: Control Systems and Low…
Johnson COVID-19: Control Systems and Low Probability / High Impact Events, Prof. Bill Schmidt (Apr. 1, 2020)
01:14:58duration 1 hour 14 minutes
MAE 4710/5710 Applied Dynamics: Robotics,…
MAE 4710/5710 Applied Dynamics: Robotics, Vehicles, Machines and Biomechanics (2020SP)
Zoom Recording ID: 118144186 UUID:…
53:52duration 53 minutes 52 seconds
Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #2—Composition…
Nuts and Bolts of Oxide MBE #2—Composition Control and Calibration (Schlom)
2019 Cornell Summer School LINK to presentation…
02:11:36duration 2 hours 11 minutes
20190709_SCT_Robert Brandom
00:33duration 33 seconds
01:12:02duration 1 hour 12 minutes
ORIE Colloquium on 10/21/ 2014 - James Renegar:…
ORIE Colloquium on 10/21/ 2014 - James Renegar: Efficient First-Order Methods for Linear (and Semidefinite) Programming
The study of first-order methods has largely…
08:40duration 8 minutes 40 seconds
Packed Cell Volume Test