- Recording purpose:
- To help others who may be asked to sit in on or evaluate another team member's first few assessments, and are wondering how others have done it.
- In this high level (we did not go line by line) video Zena reviews Melissa's first WA product assessment for Crowdpurr, in Zena's first WA 1-1/peer review.
- Things we didn't record but discussed:
- For internal comms of overall impression -- how to choose a color rating for severity your assessment when talking about it to Brandon or other managers or peers after you're done with the assessment. What do Red, Yellow and Green statuses / ratings mean when determining a product's accessibility level. It depends on amount and breadth /similarity and depth of issues found, size of product, flexibility, and how fixable/problematic. Use your best guess -- that's OK!
- This product was not reviewed with NVDA and noted in internal comms and the procedure noted in the word doc assessment reflects this
- We hope this was helpful. If there are incorrect or areas where things are not clear, or things were not done as expected, kindly let Zena or Melissa know.
- Zoom Recording ID: 99100157113
UUID: ror/fxd9TOW+1DNgXCczgg==
Meeting Time: 2020-07-24T16:59:10Z
- Tags