2019 Cornell Sustainability Leadership Summit
From Kimberly Anderson
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The Cornell University Sustainability Leadership Summit is an annual event which brings together the campus community for networking and learning opportunities around sustainability and climate change. The 2019 Summit was hosted in G10 Biotechnology and featured the following agenda. Video start points are noted in the agenda below.
- 1:00pm Welcome & Keynote Speaker: Joe Martens, Director, New York Offshore Wind Alliance and former NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner
[Video ends at 3:56]
Welcome remarks by campus sustainability and Sustainable Cornell Council leadership, followed by keynote remarks from Joe Martens, Director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance. NYOWA works to secure policies and programs that achieve New York State Governor Cuomo's goal of 9,000 MW of offshore wind power by 2035. - 2:00pm Connection through Collaboration: Networking Session
[No recording]
In this interactive, fast-paced networking session, meet and greet with fellow attendees. Several units and initiatives will also be available for you to network with, to see the variety of sustainability projects and opportunities on Cornell’s campus happening today. Find opportunities to get engaged with the topics you are passionate about, and connect with new initiatives and people who can collaborate on ideas and vision. Be sure to ask questions – this session is an opportunity for you to understand the landscape of campus sustainability projects & vision – get to know someone new!
- 3:00pm Campus Energy & Earth Source Heat Update
[Video 3:56 to 4:12]
Briefing on Cornell's plans and work to date on carbon-neutral energy systems transformation.
- 3:20pm Sustainable Campus Council Updates: Plans, Progress and Your Role
[Video 4:17 to 4:53]
The Leadership Team and co-chairs of the newly launched Sustainable Cornell Council Steering Committees will provide an update on work to date and plans for fulfilling the group's charge, with support from the Cornell community. - 4:00pm Cornell University Partners in Sustainability Award Winners & Staff Sustainability Champions Recognized
The Cornell University Partners in Sustainability Awards (CUPSA) recognize individuals and teams who have exemplified the sustainability values of Cornell, made significant and notable contributions to the sustainable development and social equity of the Cornell campus, or displayed outstanding partnership for advancing sustainability within our campus and community. This years Staff Sustainability Champions will also be recognized. - 4:15pm Bringing it All Together: Interactive Reflection Exercise
This event was hosted by the Sustainable Cornell Council and the Campus Sustainability Office
Questions and support: sustainability@cornell.edu
Questions and support: sustainability@cornell.edu
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