Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly targets and attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs within the body. Some autoimmune conditions are also linked to a bidirectional relationship with mental health, whereby symptoms associated with the disease impact mental health and cognitive functioning and mental health symptoms can also exacerbate the autoimmune condition. This session will highlight autoimmune conditions which have been shown to have the highest rate of co-occurring mental health conditions associated with them (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis). Information shared from current evidence-based research and direct practice experience will be discussed through the lenses of holistic wellness, psychosocial stress, and impact on employment.
As a result of attending this training, participants will learn to:
•identify some of the most common symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions and corresponding functional limitations;
•recognize the complex bidirectional relationship between autoimmune disorders and mental health functioning; and
•identify strategies for supporting individuals with co-occurring autoimmune disorders and mental health symptoms as they engage in employment.