Join us to hear updates about recent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), learn more about HPAI, the risks the virus poses, how it can spread bird to bird and flock to flock, how you can protect your birds and what considerations go into a biosecurity plan, and what happens if your farm or your neighbor’s farm has a positive HPAI detection.
Presenters will include:
Dr. Joy Bennett, NYS Department of Ag & Markets
Dr. Eireann Collins, NYS Department of Ag & Markets
Dr. Gavin Hitchener, Cornell Duck Research Laboratory
This webinar is a cooperation between Cornell Cooperative Extension, Long Island Farm Bureau, NYS Department of Ag & Markets, and the Cornell Duck Research Laboratory.
Zoom Recording ID: 91846855021
Meeting Time: 2022-03-14 03:46:37pm