Berger Speaker Series with Virág Blazsek - Banking Bailout Law: A Comparative Study of the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union
From Lindsey Mulholland
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On Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm we held a virtual book talk with Dr. Virág Blazsek, Lecturer in Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law at the University of Leeds School of Law and author of Banking Bailout Law: A Comparative Study of the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union.

The talk was moderated by Professor Alison Shea, Research & Instructional Librarian (Foreign, Comparative & International Law) at Cornell Law School.
About the book:
Setting forth the building blocks of banking bailout law, this book reconstructs a regulatory framework that might better serve countries during future crisis situations. It builds upon recent, carefully selected case studies from the U.S., the EU, the U.K., Spain, and Hungary to answer the questions of what went wrong with the bank bailouts in the EU, why the U.S. performed better in terms of crisis management, and how bailouts could be regulated and conducted more successfully in the future. Employing a comparative methodology, it examines the different bailout and bank resolution techniques and tools and identifies the pros and cons of the different legal and regulatory options and their underlying principles. In the post-2008 legal-regulatory architecture financial institution specific insolvency proceedings were further developed or implemented on both sides of the Atlantic. Ten years after the most recent financial crisis, there is sufficient empirical evidence to evaluate the outcomes of the bank bailouts in the U.S. and the EU and to examine a number of cases under the EU’s new bank resolution regime.
About our speaker:
Dr. Virág Blazsek is a Lecturer in Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law at the University of Leeds School of Law. Dr. Blazsek received a Juris Doctor degree from the Eötvös Loránd University, LLM and PhD degrees in International Business Law from the Central European University and an LLM in U.S. and Global Business Law from Suffolk University School of Law, Boston, MA. She also earned an LLM in Business and Finance Law from the George Washington Law School in Washington, D.C. where she served as a Thomas Buergenthal Scholar. Dr. Blazsek’s scholarship is focused on financial stability-related legal, regulatory and policy issues from a comparative perspective. She is the author of the book “Banking Bailout Law: A Comparative Study of the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union” (Routledge U.S. & U.K., 2020). Dr. Blazsek has previously been a visiting researcher, visiting scholar, and visiting lecturer at Fordham University School of Law, Columbia Law School, and Budapest Business School. Earlier, she practiced for a decade as an attorney at OTP Bank Plc’s Legal Directorate in Budapest and at the Office of Investment Management of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in New York City.
About our moderator:
Alison Shea is currently Research & Instructional Law Librarian (Foreign, Comparative & International Law) and teaches both introductory and advanced legal research courses (including Foreign, Comparative & International Legal Research) to J.D. and L.L.M. students. Alison enjoys providing research assistance and instruction in all areas of the law, but her specialties include the European Union, British and Irish law, arbitration, and international economic law. Before moving to Cornell in 2018, she was the Head of Reference/Foreign & International Specialist and Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham Law School. Alison graduated with a B.A. from Boston University (2004), and a joint J.D./M.S.L.S. from The Catholic University of America (2007).
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