07:22duration 7 minutes 22 seconds
Battleship MPC -- Professor Andrew Miller and Team
From Steven Gallow
14:08duration 14 minutes 8 seconds
Battleship State Channel - Professor Patrick…
Battleship State Channel - Professor Patrick McCorry, Surya Bakshi and Team
13:18duration 13 minutes 18 seconds
Commodeth - Project Chicago - Phil Daian and team
01:10:03duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Graph Isomorphism -- Professor Jens Groth
55:44duration 55 minutes 44 seconds
Privacy-Protecting Smart Contracts at Scale --…
Privacy-Protecting Smart Contracts at Scale -- Noah Johnson
13:10duration 13 minutes 10 seconds
Radical Markets -- Professor Andrew Miller and…
Radical Markets -- Professor Andrew Miller and Team
56:39duration 56 minutes 39 seconds
Scalling of Permissioned Blockchains without…
Scalling of Permissioned Blockchains without Committees - Professor Robbert van Renesse
01:43:14duration 1 hour 43 minutes
Sharding - Vitalik Buterin
13:43duration 13 minutes 43 seconds
Submarine Sends -- Lorenz Breidenbach, Tyler…
Submarine Sends -- Lorenz Breidenbach, Tyler Krell and team
26:16duration 26 minutes 16 seconds
Trusted Hardware and Blockchain Alchemy --…
Trusted Hardware and Blockchain Alchemy -- Professor Ari Juels
09:24duration 9 minutes 24 seconds
Universal & Updatable Common Reference…
Universal & Updatable Common Reference Strings for ZK-SNARKs - Anton Titov
01:00:51duration 1 hour 0 minutes
What is Permissionless Consensus? - Professor…
What is Permissionless Consensus? - Professor Elaine Shi