01:30:45duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Animal Science - Minor Institute Food Fest
From Kelly Heath
01:41:22duration 1 hour 41 minutes
Animal Science Lecture
46:41duration 46 minutes 41 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 10 - Digestive Capacites…
ANSC 403: Lecture 10 - Digestive Capacites related to feeding behavior nutritive value; tuminant requirements; nututional concepts & Terminology
50:12duration 50 minutes 12 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 11 - Aspects Of Nutritve Value.…
ANSC 403: Lecture 11 - Aspects Of Nutritve Value. Metabouzable Energy. Net Energy systems of analysis of forages
44:57duration 44 minutes 57 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 12 - Tropical Forages and…
ANSC 403: Lecture 12 - Tropical Forages and Climat primary cumatic factors. Basis for climatic effects on forages. Compositional interactions
43:08duration 43 minutes 8 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 13 - Description Analysis of…
ANSC 403: Lecture 13 - Description Analysis of forages: Cellulose; Hermicelwlose; Starch & Ugnin. Biochemical 'Considerations.' Factors Limit
53:09duration 53 minutes 9 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 14 - Feed Intake. Sampling:…
ANSC 403: Lecture 14 - Feed Intake. Sampling: Determination of what animals eats direct measurement of intake in stall feeding characteristics of tropical forages and their intakes
52:37duration 52 minutes 37 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 15 - Characteristics of…
ANSC 403: Lecture 15 - Characteristics of tropical forages and their intakes. Lignin. Rumen microoganisms and nitrogen utiuzation. Protein. Tanins.
48:09duration 48 minutes 9 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 16 - Overview of Rumen Ecology.…
ANSC 403: Lecture 16 - Overview of Rumen Ecology. Protein and Nitrogen. Forage Conservation and feed suplements chemical treatment of forages and straws
53:51duration 53 minutes 51 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 17 - Review of questions…
ANSC 403: Lecture 17 - Review of questions adressed in exam 28' Forage Conservation and feed supplements chemical treatment of straws and forages by product feeds
49:07duration 49 minutes 7 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 18 - Description of papers…
ANSC 403: Lecture 18 - Description of papers specific treatments of forages & straws by product feeds
50:41duration 50 minutes 41 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 19 - By Product Feeds
51:49duration 51 minutes 49 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 2 - Phytogeographic zones,…
ANSC 403: Lecture 2 - Phytogeographic zones, tropic generalizations, geological & geochemical processes
44:11duration 44 minutes 11 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 20 - Hay & Silage. Silage…
ANSC 403: Lecture 20 - Hay & Silage. Silage Fermentation Preservatives. Forage Digestibility & NDF
54:42duration 54 minutes 42 seconds
ANSC 403: Lecture 3 - Characteristics of…
ANSC 403: Lecture 3 - Characteristics of tropical soils; fertilization & management; plant & animal mineral requirments