From Walker White
| 901 901 playsThis first video introduces you to the command line, which is a text-based tool for interacting with files and programs. -
From Hannah Lee
| 339 339 playsThe Python interactive shell is a program that is run within the command line. For right now, it is the primary way we will use Python. In this video we show how to… -
From Hannah Lee
| 298 298 playsPython scripts are files containing pre-written Python code. You can run a Python script even if you do not understand the code inside of it. In this video we show you… -
From Hannah Lee
| 221 221 playsPython scripts are files containing pre-written Python code. You can run a Python script even if you do not understand the code inside of it. In this video we show you… -
From Hannah Lee
| 255 255 playsBefore we get started with Python we need to define some basic terminology. Those math-like formula that we type into Python are called expressions. Python then uses the… -
From Hannah Lee
| 199 199 playsThe most familiar type in Python is int, the set of integers. It supports all of the basic mathematical expressions that you expect, like addition, subtraction,… -
From Hannah Lee
| 175 175 playsIntegers are not the only number type in Python. There is also the float type, which is the set of real numbers. Floats can do just about everything that integers So why… -
From Hannah Lee
| 204 204 playsThe third basic type is the bool type. It only has two values: True and False. However, as we shall soon see, this type is one of the most important for computer… -
From Hannah Lee
| 188 188 playsStrings are the type for text data. We will go into much more depth with this type in a later module. In this video, we just introduce the basics to complete our… -
From Hannah Lee
| 177 177 playsIn out introduction of the basic types of Python, we saw a lot of different operations. What happens when we start to mix these operations together? As we see in this… -
From Hannah Lee
| 181 181 playsFor the most part, operations are used to combine two expressions of the same type. Adding together two ints is different from adding together two strings. In this video… -
From Hannah Lee
| 158 158 playsIn this video we introduce the notion of an algorithm, which is an is a way of describing code (or any process) that is not limited to a specific programming language.… -
From Hannah Lee
| 940 940 playsOnce we have an algorithm, it is time to get started writing code. In this video we talk about function stubs, which are how we get started. We like function stubs… -
From Hannah Lee
| 106 106 playsIn this video we introduce pseudocode, which is a step-by-step English description of what we want to do. The goal is provide an outline that we convert into Python… -
From Hannah Lee
| 109 109 playsWe made very sure that you had learned about testing before you started on your first assignment. That is because we want you testing while you are activtely writing…