| 36 36 playsThe 2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting began with a welcome and introduction from our directors.
From David Botsch
| 95 95 playsThe 2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting had two Keynote Speakers. The morning keynote was given by Prof. Debdeep Jena,David E. Burr Professor of Engineering, Cornell… -
| 60 60 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 3; Vishakha Gupta, LASSP, Cornell University (CNF PI Ralph); "Manipulation of 2D van der Waals Magnets by Spin-Orbit…
| 35 35 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 4; Yebin Liu, Physics, Syracuse University (CNF PI Plourde); "Fabrication and Characterization of Topologically Protected…
| 49 49 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 5; Wenwen Zhao, Applied & Engineering Physics, Cornell University (CNF PI Jena/Xing); "Demonstration of 10 GHz Epi-BAW…
| 58 58 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 6; Benyamin Davaji, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Cornell University (CNF PI Amit Lal); "Artificial Intelligence…
| 25 25 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 7; Renhao Lu, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University (CNF PI Lee); "Fabrication of Microchip Devices for…
From David Botsch
| 8 8 plays2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting, Video 8; Erik Chow, Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University (CNF PI Paszek); "Characterization of Extracellular… -
| 26 26 playsThe 2021 CNF Virtual Annual Meeting had two Keynote Speakers. The afternoon keynote was given by Prof. George Malliaras, Prince Philip Professor of Technology,…
| 59 59 playsFor the Cornell Reunion 2021, the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) offered and introduction and virtual cleanroom tour.
| 27 27 plays2021 CTECH REU Micah Chen, Final Research Presentation; Cornell's Center for Transportation, Environment & Community Health (CTECH) REU Intern with Gao Research…
| 26 26 plays2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Elisabeth Wang's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the Lammerding Research Group
| 46 46 plays2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Francesca Bard's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) Summer Student with the Ober Research Group
| 59 59 plays2021 NNCI REU Convocation, Kareena Dash's Presentation; Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Intern with the Ober Research Group
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