Baker Institute For Animal Health

Baker Institute For Animal Health

The Baker Institute for Animal Health has a rich 70-year history of conducting research to better the lives of our companion animals. Our research discoveries have addressed epidemics such as canine parvovirus, infectious hepatitis and distemper, conducted genetic research to address blindness in dogs and humans, and developed new reproductive technologies. In addition to saving the lives of countless pets, the Baker Institute has also trained thousands of young scientist over the decades, who have gone out into the world to help advance veterinary and biomedical research.


While the Baker Institute is a stand-alone facility with dedicated faculty, laboratories, and staff, we are also a part of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. This unique positioning affords us the ability to not only draw on the strengths of a world-class University, it also allows us to be nimble and rapidly adapt to the changing health needs of our companion animals. In part, because of our successes in vaccine development, companion animals are now living longer healthier lives. As animals age, they may become more susceptible to other complex diseases. Therefore, in addition to our core group of virologist, who remain prepared to combat unforeseen emerging infectious diseases, we have developed new programs that are at the front lines of combating diseases of aging, such as cancer.   

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